Bank Asia always believes in growing in a responsible manner maintaining ecofriendly environment by playing a major role to mitigate Environmental risks which is essential for our survival. Since its inception, Bank Asia has been committed towards Sustainable Development that makes environmentally, economically and socially responsible. As a Bank, we play an intermediary role between economic development and conservation of the environment. Our Green Banking activities are on multidimensional areas which include both in-house Green activities towards supporting Green Economy.

The Bank's working environment encourages usage of e-mails, relying on online instructions for communication, using natural daylight and extensive usage of energy savings bulbs. These steps show the Bank’s efforts towards encountering in-house environment management as part of supporting green banking. Our Green Banking Policy Guidelines and Green Office Guide have been circulated to all our employees for creating awareness on Green Banking activities & providing instructions about conserving energy, water, saving paper, etc. Bank Asia developed its own Environmental Policies which proves our commitment to the Environment for a sustainable future. We have unified our sustainable operations under the “Green Banking Unit” equipped with permanent employees. Besides this, Bank Asia has also introduced a new department in early 2017 named Sustainable Finance Department the same in alignment with Bangladesh Bank with its proficient Sustainable Finance Committee to monitor Sustainable Banking and Sustainable Finance.

Moreover Bank Asia ICT Division has been providing automation system in different department like

  • "Treasury Management System" - developed eTesero by ERA InfoTech for practicing paperless reporting and other documentations
  • ICT help desk (Microsoft System Center Service Manager) - developed and implemented SCF system by Infini System Pvt Ltd.
  • 'MY Family' apps- a central contact platform of the Bank Deployed Smart Clients instead of conventional PCs
  • Developed MISDB provides quality report with graphs

All of the above initiatives ultimately reduces time, energy/power consumption and operational expenditure as well as better and prompt customer services of the Bank. These also reduce load of repeated operations and increase manpower efficiency.

As greening of mind, a number of training was organized related to Green Banking & Environmental Risk Management, Reporting format of Green Banking activities, Financial inclusion, CSR and Green Banking this year. In 2018, Training Institute of Bank Asia has provided 5 trainings on Green Banking under Foundation training course & other training related to Green banking to 129 employees of 27,144 man hours. Mentionable that Bank Asia organized an International Workshop on Rural Financial Inclusion.

In view of highlighting our Green Banking activities and creating awareness amongs tour stake holders, the Articles on Green Banking, sustainability reporting were published in different news papers which reflect our Green initiatives to our employees,our stakeholders and all subscribers of those newspapers

Like the previous year, Bank Asia has published Sustainability Report and achieved Gold Rank- Best Sustainability Report in Asia Sustainability Reporting Rating 2018 -14th SRA 2018 by NCSR (National Center for Sustainability Reporting) and ICSP (Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners) in Jakarta, Indonesia for Sustainability Report 2017.

Bank Asia strongly believes that,creating awareness is very important for sustainability. In this regard, this year for enhancing public conversance and highlighting green banking activities, Bank Asia has published an advertisement in "Daily Star" on World Environment Day, 2018 where Tk. 345,000 (approx.) spent for this advertisement.