Smart Junior Saver

Who may open

  • Children / students below 18 years of age.


Numbers of MDPS can be opened

  • A person will able to open multiple number of MDPS account with a single link account.


Initial Deposit & Maximum Balance

  • Tk. 100.00 (One Hundred only)
  • Tk. 10,00,000.00 (Ten Lac) only


Salient Features

  • Since Smart Junior Saver is a minor account, a guardian of the Account Holder will operate the Account up to his/her age of 18 years.
  • After completion of 18 years of age: The Account may be transferred to Normal Savings Account (Code of Account type: S08) namely 'MSA (Smart)'.
  • Allowing the minor A/C holder aged 12 & above as joint signatory.
  • ATM Card Facility
  • Higher Income Sharing Ratio from normal saving account.
  • Profit calculation on daily balance basis.
  • No Incidental Charge for Smart Junior Saver and its Link Account (Islamic) of Operating Guardian, if any.
  • Free Internet Banking and Online Banking facility.
  • Fund transfer facility
  • Attractive prizes for Meritorious account holders.
  • Scholarship/ Financial Assistance in case of death of Account Holder's earning guardian.
  • Present Income Sharing Ration (ISR) - Client : Bank :: 50 : 50.


Required Documents to Open Account

  • One copy of passport size photograph of Account Holder Operating Guardian duly attested by introducer.
  • One copy of passport size photograph of nominee duly attested by operating guardian.
  • Account Holder's Birth Registration certificate/ Passport / ID card of educational institution
  • Operating Guardian's National ID Card/ Passport/ Birth Registration certificate with or any valid photo Id.
  • A/C Opening Form duly filled in.
  • Any other document required by the Bank from time to time.